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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Queen Lumpovina of the Grass Seeds

This week Gray and myself received a fabulous Christmas present. A $700 vet bill. Steffi's unceasing desire to chew everything in sight has finally backfired.

On Saturday morning I noticed a rather large lump on the side of her head. She wasn't howling in pain or sleeping any more than her usual 16 hours a day so we thought it'd be safe to take her to the vet on Monday. It was safe to take her to the vet on Monday. Expensive, but safe. Turns out Ol' Chompy had managed to get a grass seed into a cut, which had then turned into an abscess and then become fibrous. She had her lumpectomy yesterday and is now trotting around the house crashing into everything courtesy of the plastic collar to stop her scratching the stitches.

I know that, in theory anyway, it's wrong to laugh at someone in pain. I just can't help myself though. She is getting the collar caught on absolutely everything, including my legs. Every time she tries to lick my legs I get more contact with the plastic than with her tongue. Ont eh upside, we can't lose her. All we have to do is listen for the crashing sounds.